2000: Project management for André Heller of the „Final Bidding“ of Germany for the 2006 FIFA World Cup with the German Soccer Association and the Federal Government of Germany as the client. This bidding was led by soccer and trainer legend Franz Beckenbauer and his team and it was supported by German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Minister of Interiors Otto Schily, then Board Member – now President of the International Olympic Committee Dr. Thomas Bach, trainer of the national soccer team Rudi Völler, soccer legend and manager Günter Netzer, tennis crack Boris Becker and topmodel Claudia Schiffer. We were in charge to develop a 30 min „convincing“ presentation. The presentation was a big success. There were spontaneous sympathie declaration already during the event and Germany finally won sharp with 13-12 votes against South Africa. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Franz Beckenbauer later said, that they believe the success has to be attributed to the very entertaining and humouros presentation we did.